Group Coaching in Organisations


Group coaching has emerged as a powerful tool for organisational development, offering several key benefits that make it highly impactful. 


Did you know we offer Group Coaching in organisations?

Whether you are a large tech firm or a small charity,

Group Coaching can be just the thing you need!

Group coaching is a dynamic coaching approach bringing together individuals with similar needs or goals, and supporting them to learn and grow collectively. Unlike one-to-one coaching, it fosters a collaborative environment where participants can leverage each other’s experiences and insights, and build community.

Here are our Top 10 Reasons for Group Coaching in Organisations:

Enhanced performance & collaboration

Group coaching fosters a collaborative environment where team members learn to work together more effectively, leading to improved problem-solving and innovation. It breaks down silos and promotes a more unified organisational culture.

Improved employee engagement and satisfaction:

Organisations with a strong coaching culture report higher employee engagement scores and retention rates. Group coaching aligns individual aspirations with organisational goals, boosting job satisfaction and motivation.

Cost-effective skill development:

Group coaching accelerates skill development by allowing participants to share best practices and learn from each other. It's often more budget-friendly than individual coaching, making it accessible for organisations of various sizes.

 Leadership development:

Group coaching helps identify and nurture leadership potential within organisations, providing a platform for emerging leaders to develop and showcase their skills.


Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence:

Studies have shown significant improvements in emotional intelligence (28% increase) and cognitive flexibility (33% rise) among employees in organisations with a coaching culture.

Better change management:

During organisational transitions, group coaching offers emotional support and guidance to employees, helping them adapt to new circumstances and challenges.


Peer learning and accountability:

The group setting creates a supportive environment where participants can learn from diverse perspectives and hold each other accountable, leading to more sustainable behavior changes.

 Improved communication and trust:

Group coaching enhances team dynamics by improving communication and trust between team members, which is particularly valuable for newly formed teams or those facing challenges.


Fostering a learning culture:

Group coaching encourages a culture of continuous learning and growth mindset within the organisation.


Measurable impact:

Research indicates that group coaching participants show a 54% improvement in self-reported skill mastery and behavioral change, compared to 34% for one-on-one coaching. 

For more information on how Group Coaching can work best for your organisation email us to book in a chat: [email protected]

Claire & Jana

Why us

We are passionate, compassionate and advocates for the power of group coaching. We want to support coaches and facilitators to be their best selves and offer the best group coaching programmes they possibly can. We understand we are all always learning, and enjoy learning from our participants as well as sharing our wealth of knowledge and experience. Between us, we have a wealth of experience in group coaching, group facilitation, training, team development and coaching supervision. We are highly qualified coaches and subscribe to the Global Code of Ethics for coaches and mentors.

Our Way

We are both creative, intuitive and caring. We understand people have different learning styles and preferences, and lean towards doing things differently.

This is the only group coaching training programme offering practical chances to practice Group Coaching both in-person and virtually.

How We Work

On the one hand we have a strong structure so you experience a programme which is coherent and focussed. On the other, we are skilled at working with you and what emerges each time we meet, enabling learning through flexibility, exploration and curiosity. We like to keep our group sizes small (a maximum of 12) to give maximum opportunity for sharing of ideas while at the same time providing meaningful support.