
We are so glad you have found us, come on in.

This page lets you know about all of our current offers and how you can work with us. We add to this frequently as we have brilliant ideas from working with our amazing clients.

Below you will find all the information about our training offers, group coaching community, resources and how we can work with you to offer group coaching in organisations.

Any questions, or to have a conversation about how Group Coaching can work for you in your business or organisation email us at: [email protected]


We are so glad you have found us, come on in.

This page lets you know about all of our current offers and how you can work with us. We add to this frequently as we have brilliant ideas from working with our amazing clients.

Below you will find all the information about our training offers, group coaching community, resources and how we can work with you to offer group coaching in organisations.

Any questions, or to have a conversation about how Group Coaching can work for you in your business or organisation, do get in touch


FOUNDATIONS Group Coaching 

Our Group Coaching Core Programme offers you the chance to stay ahead of the game by delving into the world of Group Coaching


ADVANCED Group Coaching  

This is one of the only ADVANCED Group Coaching training programmes that offers hands-on experience of Group Coaching, supported by qualified and accredited coaches, and expert facilitators.


Understanding Personalities in group coaching

How does personality affect group dynamics and effectiveness? Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), our workshop helps you understand your own preferences as well as those within your group. Join our mailing list to be the first to hear more about this workshop.

The Group Coaching Academy Community

Connect with a supportive Group Coaching Community to share new techniques.

Coming Soon...

Brilliance and Renewal – at the Group Coaching Academy we don’t just cast you adrift. Whether you are joining our community, starting the FOUNDATIONS or essentials programmes, following on with the ADVANCE programme, or using the springboards or taking our masterclasses, we'll help you stay focussed and resilient, review your progress and understand how to move forward with your business plan.


Group Coaching in Organisations

Group coaching has emerged as a powerful tool for organisational development, offering several key benefits that make it highly impactful.  Did you know we offer Group Coaching in organisations?  Whether you are a large tech firm or a small charity Group Coaching can be just the thing you need!